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Workshop (4 days training)

lør. 28. sep.


Oslo Vandrerhjem Haraldsheim

Our main trainer Bettina is bringing senior trainer and legacy holder Donna Martin to Norway! Donna Martin worked close with Ron Kurtz, the founder of Hakomi, for many years. Lunch is included in the participant fee. Also possible to book a room at Haraldsheim if necessary.

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Workshop (4 days training)
Workshop (4 days training)

Tid og sted

28. sep. 2019, 10:00 – 01. okt. 2019, 18:00

Oslo Vandrerhjem Haraldsheim, Haraldsheimveien 4, 0587 Oslo, Norge


Om arrangementet


1 day of training: 1200 NOK

2 days of training: 2400 NOK

3 days of training: 3400 NOK (early bird to 20th of August, 2019. Then: 3600 NOK)

4 days of training: 4400 NOK (early bird to 20th of August, 2019. Then: 4800 NOK)

Got a intro-coupon? The intro coupons work on full price only, not early bird price. 


Saturday 28th of September: 10.00-18.00

Sunday 29th of September:   10.00-18.00

Monday 30th of September:  10.00-18.00

Tuesday 1st of October:        10.00-18.00

All four days have a 90 minutes lunch break. Lunch is included in the participant fee. You can inform us about allergies and diet in the registration form.  

TRAINERS: Bettina Deuster and Donna Martin 

  • The workshop will be in taught in english. But advanced English skills is not necessary. 

For Norwegian participants:

  • Dette arrangementet kan ikke betales med Vipps-nummer. Det er kun beløp under 300 NOK vi kan tilby dette. Men du kan betale med Vipps-faktura. Dersom du foretrekker Ã¥ betale med Vipps vil vi anbefale deg Ã¥ krysse av "Ja, gjerne" nÃ¥r du blir spurt om Vipps-faktura i registreringsskjemaet. Les mer om registrering av Vipps-faktura her:
  • To participants coming from abroad: Participants from Europe (both EU and non-EU): When you've booked the workshop you will receive an invoice with the workshop fee and a 50 NOK transfer fee. And when you pay you use the option SHARED COSTS. This is because of new EU regulations. Participants from outside Europe: When you pay you choose the option OUR which means thats issuer pays all the expenses. We will recommend you to use the app TransferWise. A lot cheaper and faster than a regular international transaction.

To participants coming from abroad or from outside Oslo:

  • If you need a place to stay during the workshop it's possible to book a room/bed at the Haraldsheim Hostel (where the workshop/training is at). You'll get a 10% discount on accommodation if you mention that you're going to the hakomi training. Haraldsheim has many different room options (single, doble, 4 beds etc.) and breakfast buffet, towel, sheets and access to a kitchen are including in the price. You can read more about the room options and facilities here: You can also ask questions on their 24/7 chat:)
  • To get the discount, you need to book the room by sending an email to . This is because their web booking doesn’t work with discounts. In the email you write that you’re going to the Hakomi training, full name, what type of room you want and check in and check out dates. Payment for the room will be done when you check in. If you’re traveling with someone, and want to share a room, you can book together. 
  • In short: you book the workshop/training trough this registration form and accommodation by writing an email to Antonio:). 

Check also our info site about this event:

We will update all the necessary details on the training on this site:)

N.B. : Remember to read our terms and conditions for training/workshop before registration. Registration is binding.

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