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lør. 06. apr.
|Moreno instituttet(Norge)- norsk Psykodr
This time at a new place. The Moreno-institute. Trainer is Bettina Deuster.
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Tid og sted
06. apr. 2019, 10:00 – 07. apr. 2019, 18:00
Moreno instituttet(Norge)- norsk Psykodr, Skippergata 9, 0152 Oslo, Norge
Om arrangementet
Two days: 2130 NOK (Early bird: 1930 NOK. Registration before March 20th)
One day: 1080 NOK (Early bird: 980 NOK. Registration before March 20th)
Got an intro-coupon? The coupon can be used on full price only, it's not a intro discount on early bird price.
Saturday: 10.00-18.00
Sunday: 10.00-18.00
Both days have a 90 minutes lunch break.
TRAINER: Bettina Deuster
- The workshop will be in taught in English.
- If you also register for the therapy circle (assistant or client), you will get one invoice for both the therapy circle and workshop.
- To Norwegian participants:
- Dette arrangementet kan ikke betales med Vipps-nummer. Det er kun beløp under 300 NOK vi kan tilby dette. Men du kan betale med Vipps-faktura. Dersom du foretrekker å betale med Vipps vil vi anbefale deg å krysse av "Ja, gjerne" når du blir spurt om Vipps-faktura i registreringsskjemaet. Les mer om registrering av Vipps-faktura her.
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