lør. 08. des.
|Rinzai Zen Senter
Join our multilevel hakomi workshop. Trainer is Bettina Deuster.
Tid og sted
08. des. 2018, 11:00 – 09. des. 2018, 20:00
Rinzai Zen Senter, Grønlandsleiret 31, 0190 Oslo, Norge
Om arrangementet
To dager: 2130 NOK
En dag: 1080 NOK
Saturday: 11.00-19.00
Sunday: 12.15-20.00
Both days have a 90 minutes lunch break
TRAINER: Bettina Deuster
The theme for this weekend will be: "Understanding the language of the unconscious"
Our non verbal communication gives so much more information about how we are experiencing life from moment to moment and how we are organized around our unconscious believes. We will learn to increase our capacity to read and to listen more to the non verbal information that our bodies are sending, so that we can respond not only as a therapist but as a human being from a place of awareness, connection and wisdom.
- The workshop will be taught in English, but any advanced skills in English is not necessary.
For Norwegian participants:
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