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Skill sets practice: Contact Statements

ons. 21. apr.



Welcome to the first skills sets practice of 2021! This time we will work on contact statements. This practice group is for everyone that has been to at least one Hakomi training. The event is free of charge or a small donation to the association.

Registration is Closed
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Skill sets practice: Contact Statements
Skill sets practice: Contact Statements

Tid og sted

21. apr. 2021, 18:00 – 20:30 CEST



Om arrangementet

Welcome to our first practice group of 2021 where we're focusing on the skill sets of the Hakomi method. This group is perfect for you that are one the path of becoming a Hakomi practitioner or if you have some practice in Hakomi and want to learn more about the specific skill sets. You have to been to at least one Hakomi training to join. 

On this occasion we will focus specifically on contact statements. What is contact statements and why do we use them? And how is it different from acknowlegdements? 

The practice group will be fascilitated by advanced students (over 50 training days) in team Hakomi Norway. 

The event is free of charge, but we would love a small donation to the association so that we can further our online projects. 

Before the practice group (at 5 pm) we will host a q and a on how to become a Hakomi practitioner, and specifically now during the Covid 19-situation. To book this session, go here:

If you're insecure about the time zone, write your time zone in this calculator. 

The practice group will be in English.

If you have any questions write an email to or go to our chat on

We're looking forward to do some tracking with you:)

This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.

Del arrangementet

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